Monday, October 19, 2009

Playing Catch Up - Josiah's 1st day Part one

So October 10th I woke up at the crack of dawn, I think it was about 415ish instead of the planned 5am wake up call, to my wife walking around, looking a little worried. I asked her what was wrong and she said "I can't feel his head". Now normally when your baby is breech and flips over it's a good thing but since we were ready for a 10/10 delivery and didn't want to wait another 2 weeks to meet our boy, this was an issue. I went in and felt her tummy and it did feel different, but after a little while I was able to find his head, all is well let's go have this baby!

Barbara's mom and dad were over and they were on Malachi duty, so we grabbed the bags and headed to the hospital. I drove to the hospital at the speed limit to make sure we weren't pulled over and made late - Boring! We got to the hospital and got checked in hoping to get the show on the road a little earlier than 8:30, but no such luck.

After the nurse did an ultrasound to make sure the stubborn boy was still head up the parade of medical professionals started. Nurses, anaesthesiologists, and doctors came in to give their schpeals about their portion of the day. It was all about what I expected so far, except for the catheter the first nurse put in about an hour earlier than she really needed to, but that's is another story. Doctor Garrenton showed about and check on Barbara and now it seemed like it was starting. They showed me the bunny suit I was gonna get to wear while in the operating room and then wheeled Barbara in all the while ensuring me that I wouldn't miss anything. They then directed me to the "significant other waiting area" which was a little bench in at the end of a long hallway outside the operating room door. I sat there for what seemed like an eternity in my bunny suit, taking pictures because i knew i had to look pretty awesome in that suit.

Just about when I thought I had waited too long, they came out and got me. Heart rate 190+ BPM, I frantically put on my mask, as i am lead to the head of the operating table where it seems all that is left is my wife's head. I ask her how she is doing and she responds "wonderful", that's the drugs talking obviously :). The pain she was feeling before was completely gone as soon as they did the spinal anesthesia, so that's good.

I was prepped by one of the nurses as to what I was going to be able to do and how not to drop my camera into my wife's incision. A few minutes pass and just after my phone crashes and is rebooting (which happens to be the camera i was going to use). The nurse says ok, you can stand up, and my heart drops.

I stand up slowly to see over "the blue wall" and I see, well, an operation going on. 10/10/09 9:16am, they begin to pull my son's butt out I am overwhelmed and amazed by all we have done to get to this point, a crying baby emerges and I am in love.

At this point I just have to tell any would be dads that they HAVE to be in the room, no matter how queasy they are, just get over it you will not be disappointed.

OK back to the baby: One of the doctors walks him over and shows him to his mommy, I can't even begin to describe the look Barbara had for our boy. That doctor gave the baby to the nurse to clean him up and weigh him and then I got to go take a closer look at him. I walked around the team of doctors attending to my wife and stood over my new son, who was showing us his lungs worked :).

As she continues cleaning up our baby and weighs him in at 7 lb 1 oz, I cut the umbilical chord, that alone is an amazing thing. I just cut the life line that supplied this baby with nutrition, blood and whatever else for the last 9 months and now, its our turn. I get to be one of the vessels that provides nutrition (although not as direct as someone else) for this baby for the next several years and whatever else for as long as i am blessed to be able to. It's only a ceremony, but I think its a good way for the dad to say, "you don't need this thing any more, I'll take care of you".

Now it was time to go with the baby, the task that was given to me for that day, "stay with the baby". They took the baby into recovery, where Barbara would join us shortly thereafter. They gave him a sponge bath and measured him, 21 inches. After that, Barbara got to hold him for the first time. What a sight to see my wife holding our brand new baby boy, Josiah Eli Tank. We were in recovery for about an hour while Barbara nursed him and regained feeling in her legs and then we were wheeled towards postpartum. On the way our family got the first glance of their new grandson/nephew as Barbara was wheeled past the window of the waiting room. We ended up in room 4 and would be there for the next 72+ hours....

Friday, October 9, 2009


Tomorrow, I get to hold my little tiny newborn baby! This journey has been a long and bumpy road. Sometimes it seems like just yesterday that we found out we were pregnant for the first time, other times it seems like ages ago. We are both in awe of God's plan, we all think that everything should go a certain way and when it doesn't we get all freaked out, but then "we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose". I can't begin to tell you how amazing it is that we traveled around the world to get our first son who looks just like us and now we get to see what our genes together make. I would not be surprised if Malachi looks more like us than Baby Tank :). Which one is more likely to make you think there is a God, having a baby that looks like you or travelling to the middle of Siberia to adopt a baby that looks like you? I can't wait for Malachi to meet his little brother and neither can he. He has been saying "come out, baby" the last couple days, its pretty cute. I think he is going to be a good big brother, he is so loving. The other day Barbara told me that he went up to Tucker and hugged him and said "I love you sooo much, Clifford." Yeah, he calls Tucker Clifford, but its all good. I can picture him giving his baby brother a hug and saying "I love you so much, Monkey George" or something like that :). I can't wait to see what nickname Malachi picks out for his lil bro. There are so many things that I am looking forward to, and sleeping through the night is not even in the top 50 :).
I will be posting stats as soon as possible to this blog, and twitter which will update my Facebook, hope you're looking at one of the three.


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Time, is on our side....

I just thought I would let everyone know that we got the appoitment time for Saturday! Our little boy will be joining us at 8:30am! I have started the countdown in hours, now that we know what time the appoiontment is at. I am ready to meet my little boy and I can't wait for eveyone to meet him as well.